Remember when I did my Lanvin for H&M post here?? Well if you missed out on that auction, which donated all of its proceeds to a much deserving charity, and featured one of a kind sketches and designs, don't you worry. As many have suspected, the masses have taken their Lanvin for H&M loot to none other than ebay. Not only are the starting bids out of this world, but people are actually bidding!! We're not talking couture here either. What is the world coming to? Save your money, donate it to a charity, or invest in a few shares of H&M stock (ticker: H&M B). But don't, I repeat, do not, let someone who probably elbowed you out the way, stepped on your foot, and cut you in line, sucker you into paying $699 for this dress that probably should have been yours in the first place... Not to mention this, this, or these (hangers? really??).